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Threshold Guardian

Dr. Phillp Sherman

A threshold guardians is a figure that is the side kick to the villian that issues side challenge. Threshold guardians create obstacles for the hero, psyvhological; bad weather, bad luck, prejudice, hositle people or dramtic; create puzzle or test for the hero. They can be border gurads, sentinels, night watchment, lookout, etc. 

Dr. Phillip Sherman, also known as the scubba diver, is a threshold guardian because he causes a side challege for Marlin. In the movie the scubba diver captures Nemo as he is swimming back to the reef. This causes Marlin to go out and search for his son. Also Dr. Phillip Sherman attempted to give Nemo away to his niece cause another challenge for both Nemo and Marlin. 

Scubba Diver

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